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"Hitchhikers Ride Through The Galaxy"

2001 - an EDA Odyssey

to Phoenicia New York Earth Milky Way Alpha Quadrant

Most recent modification performed: 07.13.2001 21:47:06

...The following Earthlings may be in need of transportaion: 

Eliot Lemoncelli and Jade Dietz are traveling in from Florida and Minnesota respectively, and plan on attending the musical offering by Earthling Jewel on 07.19.2001, and may be in need of transportation from New York City to Phoenicia on 07.20.2001. They are presently looking into taking a bus (yes, many earthlings still rely on busses, believe it or not) but are not sure the regular run also runs on Fridays. If you can help, PLEASE contact Eliot at


Graphics Design by  Moyra's Web Jewels of the Gamma Quadrant